Expert-Driven AI solution for timely and accurate well log interpretation.
ResVoirX revolutionizes the process of estimating reservoir fluid properties; ensuring fast, reliable, and actionable insights for your drilling operations.
Petrophysicists, geologists, and reservoir engineers estimating hydrocarbon properties for a well do not have access to accurate near real-time estimates.
Mud gas logs, while cheap and accessible, are often seen and qualitative data.
The traditional lab methods are time-consuming and expensive.
Empirical formulas and even machine learning modules are often unreliable due to oversimplified assumptions and limited calibration data that doesn’t capture the complexity of a reservoir.
ResVoirX utilizes mud gas & drilling data + SME powered CausX AI to provide reliable fluid density and other reservoir property estimates.
ResVoirX uses over 100 years of industry knowledge in petrophysics and geochemistry to provide accurate interpretations.

ResVoirX GOR Estimation:
ResVoirX utilizes various data sources including mud gas logs, drilling dynamics, LWD data, and sub basin information to estimate GOR. The process involves calculating hydrocarbon ratios to ‘fingerprint’ wells while also monitoring for consistency and coherence, ensuring reliable estimations. It incorporates a ‘sub basin view’ to determine expected GOR within depth intervals, and identifies potential pay zones using gamma ray and resistivity data.

ResVoirX Log Output:
ResVoirX presents GOR estimates in a log-style view, contextualizing them with other well data, plotting the zonal GOR average alongside dependability indicators for each view.
ResVoirX integrates with operators’ workflows through API connections or Excel uploads, quickly processing daily log reports. Senslytics is also developing WITSML capabilities for continuous real-time data streaming.

Output log plotted in LogScope showcasing ResVoirX’s ability to estimate fluid properties with high dependability
ResVoirX Case Study in Golf of Mexico:
Our recent case study assesses ResVoirX’s performance with heated and unheated mud gas traps, primarily in the Mississippi Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico. ResVoirX demonstrates reliability, showing eight out of eleven GOR estimates within 16% of lab measurements despite 5 of the depths having errors in recorded mud gas compositions.
The most successful alternative methods of GOR estimates have shown error rates of 30-40%.