

Features: Intuition Technology

“Data Insight and Intuition System for Tank Storage”, US Patent Number: 10,061,833 B2, Aug 28 2018, Chakraborty

Foundation Patent

Patent is related to situational dependencies and its impact on the surrounding changes, e.g., time series data. Also, how lead time can be generated if the direction and speed of state changes towards an emergency or a desired goal can be detected early.

Need for simultaneous processing of situational and surrounding change impacts on state of a system (e.g., RNC and SHOMA algorithms). Generate intelligence from qualitative and visual information.

“Method of Intuition Generation”, US Patent Number: 10,073,724 B2, Sep 11, 2018, Chakraborty

Foundation Patent

Patent is related to the complexity from the time distance modeling.

Natural systems that display time delayed response from an influencer.

“Method of Intuition Generation”, US Patent 10,445,162 B2, Oct 15, 2019, Chakraborty

Foundation Patent

This patent relates to the intuition template generation for real time interpretation of multiple views of core data for inferencing. Pattern bit streams, semantic algebra are kept as trade secret.

Need for development of Wisdom Engine (which is a combination of Inference Engine, Vetting Engine and Recommendation Engine.

“Methods and Systems correlating Hypotheses outcomes using relevance scoring for Intuition based Forewarning”, US Patent 11,226,856 B2, Jan 22, 2022, Chakraborty

Foundation Patent

This patent makes the technology iterate towards modeling unknown “unknowns” by capturing, scoring, and iterating the Experts’ qualitative hypotheses.

Need for development of hypotheses iteration module.

“System, Methods, and Apparatus for Implementing Video Shooting Guns and Personal Safety Management Applications”, Patent 10,443,966 B2 Oct 15, 2019, Chakraborty

Design Patent for application expansion

This is a design patent unlike the other process patents. Shows how the Intuition Technology platform can be transferrable to even mass market applications, e.g., personal safety. The ingestion of video data is considered.

Not directly used yet on technology framework building. Can be used in the future for the right kinds of use case.

“System, Methods, and Apparatus for Implementing Video Shooting Guns and Personal Safety Management Applications”, Patent 10,816,292 B2 Oct 27, 2020, Chakraborty

Design Patent for application expansion

Opens door for video driven situation analysis for delivering intuition-based interpretation, early detection and forewarning.

Not directly used yet on technology framework building. Can be used in the future for the right kinds of use case.

Method and apparatus for applying intuition technology to better preserve grains against pest damages in smart silos. Allowed August 20, 2023, Application 17/066,098, Chakraborty

Design Patent for application expansion

This design patent will be useful for extending Intuition Technology to model the initiation and growth of living organisms that can adapt to situations and affect a system adversely. This can also be useful for modeling microbial damage to infrastructures, e.g., Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC) for pipelines.

Needed to expand to future use cases esp., pipeline corrosion forewarning as well as in domains such as, agtech, biotech.

“Auto hypotheses iteration to converge into situation specific scientific causation using Intuition technology framework.”Application Filed January 18, 2022, Application 17/578,185, Chakraborty

A Foundation Patent Application (Pending)

The patent enriches the Intuition framework to refine the scientific fabrication (originally built from the experts’ hypotheses) by directing it step by step towards the set of hidden causes.


Need for the improvement and refinement of the set of logic and boundary conditions that can more accurately model the system under complex situations and situational changes. It is part of the Intuition framework.

“Improved Empirical Formula-based Estimation Techniques based on Correcting Situational Bias”, Filed on Sep 18, 2022, Application 17/947,827 Chakraborty

A Foundation Patent Application (Pending)

This patent can help eliminate the “non-truth speaking data from a data-pool in given situations” and thus improve the empirical approximations towards higher accuracy. Also helps to understand stable and unstable conditions under dynamic situations.

Needed when ground truth is not adequately available, and a system can behave extremely differently under subtle situational changes.

Real-time Techniques for Identifying a Truth-telling Population in a data stream. Filed on Apr 25, 2023, Application 18/139,165 Chakraborty

A Foundation Patent Application (Pending)

This patent can help early on to distinguish the data that is erroneous while a data stream is being ingested, increasing drastically the interpretation efficiency of the Intuition AI. This method can distinguish between a real, sustaining change in pattern in the data-in-flight over untrustworthy data.

Needed to increase the fidelity score of interpretations and generating a more definitive inference early on.